Monday, April 26, 2010

Dispatches: Introduction

What is Canada Doing in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan-Canada Research Group (ACRG)

Researchers Angela Joya, Hamayon Rastgar and Mike Skinner formed the Afghanistan-Canada Research Group to investigate Canada's role in Afghanistan. Along with film-maker Alex Lisman, we are documenting what Canada is doing in Afghanistan. Little information leaves Afghanistan without first passing through the filters of the NATO military commanders and media editors. We recognise a desperate need to make direct contact with Afghani activists, workers, students, and war refugees. So we are going to Afghanistan to listen to as many Afghani people as we can and bring their stories back to Canada. Before the next Canadian election, it is important that the people of Canada and Quebec hear directly from Afghanis about how they are affected by Canada's mission in Afghanistan.

We urgently need immediate funding. Our previous appeals for funding received generous responses from a number of organisations as far away as Vancouver, but we have failed to raise enough funds to sustain the project.

As you can imagine, travel to Afghanistan is very expensive and we cannot accomplish this project without substantial help.

Since our last appeal for funds, we have altered our plan. Hamayon will depart on 15 May for a three month tour of Afghanistan, including a month to visit with his family. Hamayon's research will take him to Kabul, Mazar, Ghazni, Herat, and Kandahar where he will arrange introductions for the other researchers and begin filming. Mike will join Hamayon in June for one month. Angela and Alex will go to Afghanistan in the fall to follow-up Hamayon and Mike's work, begin Angela's research and continue filming.

We need answers from Afghanis themselves about how they are affected by the Canadian mission in Afghanistan. The Canadian mission in Afghanistan is supposed to balance the 3Ds of development, diplomacy and defence. We want to know how this mission actually affects Afghanis. Angela will ask Afghani women how they are affected by Canadian development aid. Hamayon will ask Afghani activists, workers, students, and state officials how they are affected by Canadian diplomacy. Mike will ask Afghani war refugees how they are affected by Canadian military operations.

We will be available for speaking engagements throughout Canada, as early as August, and will make rough cut videos available as soon as possible.

We are asking for help from organisations like yours to fund this important investigation of Canada's mission in Afghanistan. We need more funds as soon as possible, to purchase plane tickets and pay for travel arrangements.

Mike Skinner

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